Getting ready for the Elmira Maple Syrup festival this last month has been hard to blog. A few more days and it will be here and done. Praying we raise awareness and funds for Bringing Heaven to Earth Inc. Helping children with special abilities.
At our house we are so used to encouraging our kids to stretch themselves and do things they do not think are possible.
For Emma we are teaching her to use her left hand more. While she does not have full use of it she can definitely use it to hold things and use as a support to keep items in place while she uses her right hand.
I love when she places a marker her her left hand and then uses her right hand to pull the lid off. Her determination to get it done is like no other. Emma knows no different and nor should she. I love the way God created her. Thank you God we are all so different. I have learned over the years to appreciate the small blessings God gives our family.
First steps at 2 years old for Troy. Scott helping Troy with equipment or bags. Kids playing wheelchair races for Track and Field day. Emma holding her head up stronger. Bella getting excited when Emma says a word clearer. Going to see a sledge hockey game. Bella and Scott saying how adorable a child is who has Down Syndrome.
I was going to attach a moment I caught with Emma but the video won't upload from the tablet. Here is her working on the Ipad with Talking Angelina. Little bit of speech practice. She knows her way around the IPAD too.
I reflect as I think of God looking down on us and watching us succeed in the things He wants for us. When He gives us gifts (not worldly) and we become excited and may tear up. Imagine how He feels? I can not imagine this world without special needs children (all children). Life is just so much more then the world teaches.