Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rosemary we love you! (our adoption worker)

Spirit guide me with my words:

After careful prayer along with many conversations, Dean and I decided to switch our process from the route of fostering to adoption.  We had no idea who our new worker would be.  I carried an emptiness after the passing of our last worker.

Pushing our front door closed for the last time, flashes of home visits with our worker came into my mind like clicking the arrow to go to the next picture.  It was over one year ago we had our first meeting together to discuss the picture we fell in love with.  First visit began what would be many heart to heart conversations.

As we looked at little "Rosie's" printed picture on the table we were told her real was Emma and Rosemary, our adoption worker shared more personal information regarding Emma's history.

Our adoption journey then began.  From January 2012-July 2012 there were many home visits, too many emails to count and a few phone calls with Rosemary.  Our relationship with Rosemary blossomed into a very special connection.  Only God could put it into place.  Her love for our family was so obvious as we laughed together, cried together and her complete acceptance of our faith.  Rosemary became an advocate for our family making sure all pieces including financial support were in place.

Rosemary was so patient and laughed with understanding as I emailed her once a week checking on where our adoption process was.

Then came July 2012 and within three weekends we met Emma and her amazing foster family.  We traveled a good distance for two weekends to spend time with her and precious time with her foster family.  Before we knew it we were packing the last of her belongings in our van and driving three and a half hours home.

Rosemary had home visits after Emma came home.  During this whole process what I didn't realize was the huge spiritual attack I was under.  That attack became all about anxiety and fear.  Real bad.  Without getting into specifics I was completely terrified to tell Rosemary.  Would she take Emma away?  What would she think of me? 

The morning before her one visit I battled telling her about my huge struggles.  Shortly after she walked in the door I couldn't hold it in any longer.  I began crying and we sat out the couch and I shared. Rosemary at that moment became a huge part of my recovery.

Her level of understanding, love, comfort and support far exceeded that of which I expected from an adoption worker.  She did not indicate Emma would leave LOL.  Instead I embraced her reassurance that struggles can be normal.  Her hug that day when she left meant the world to me. She was not there to criticize or call me a failure or say that's what I get for adopting. Every day after that I got stronger and stronger thanks to many around us but I had the most unbelievable comfort I could have called Rosemary at any moment.

As we approached our last visit before the finalization of Emma's papers I honestly disliked that she would not have any more visits.  We love her very much and her love for our family.  Rosemary was sent into our lives from God at the right time to get God's treasure he had planned. Fostering didn't work for us because God had other plans two years later.  We look forward to having Rosemary at Emma's dedication.

Thanks Rosemary!!!!