Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am a follower!

Spirit be with me as I write this.

For one month now our family has been attending ministry in a school gym.  Previous we attended another church in our small town.  It doesn't matter which one.  Those who know us will know which one.  The pastor of that church had many conversations with God and realized he was at a crossroad, the church was at a crossroad.  Many in the church would say they carried a feeling in their hearts of reaching a crossroad. 

My personal definition of crossroad being defined as a group who are content in one space and the others who are hungry for so much more without the dictation from a manual or man made rules but rely solely on the Holy Spirit/God/Jesus.

We were so blessed to have our Pastor announce that he was leaving the church and beginning a ministry with the support of another ministry.  The blessing was that many of his services he revisited teaching us we must listen to God to know where we would attend church in the new year.

Five years ago our family started to attend the church and our Pastor/friend/brother because of his devotion to our Papa God and teaching us each Sunday from the BIBLE and from his personal life has given Dean and I the platform to totally change our lives.  Growing up Catholic I personally thought the Priest was to do everything; pray for people, visit hospitals, heal, talk to God and go once a year in a booth to repent to a little hole in the wall.  In saying that I am so thankful for the life of growing up in church. 

Everything our Pastor was telling us every Sunday is in the bible.  It is so simple.  While rules are important everything we are to do is in one book, His word, The Bible. 

It tells me to talk to God myself-   'God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ' (11 Cor. 4:6).

I can repent everyday myself- 'Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord' (Acts 3:19)

I can pray and ask for Jesus to heal through me- 'And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues' (1 Corinthians 12:28).

There is so much I could highlight that yep I can do.  Little me, mom of four kids who has sinned, and will sin again.  No walls came crashing down when I entered the church.  The only ones that did were the ones that Satan put up.  This teaching didn't come from a certain denomination of church it came from a devoted Pastor.  His love of God, love of the Spirit, love of Jesus, love for all people no matter where there walk is with the Lord and love for God's word.  No matter where our Pastor goes the whole faith package goes with him.  Like many big name followers (12 disciples and more) in the Bible, I chose to be one of them.  Some call us "Pastor" followers (substitute pastor for his real name).  In a way yes our family is following him he is a good man who puts the bible before all else and his family is precious but sorry we are following the Man our Pastor holds in his heart.  The Papa God he teaches that loves us.

Ministry can be held anywhere and definitely anytime.  On Sundays that gym is transformed into an amazing room of worship and so many can feel the love as they walk in.  When one feels freedom the Lord has a new space to move and create new things in. 

Thank you God for Selah Fire!
I can't wait until you make the walls tremble and the earth shake.

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