Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow day fun

The big blizzard of  2014.  Now moving on to day three of this lovely snow, wind and very cold temperatures. 

Schools were cancelled and our computer room became the home of a fort.  The front room became a pretend campfire outing with blankets and stuffed animals and it was an official p.j. day.

All that happened after we sat at the computer watching a YouTube video on how to make rainbow loom beaded bracelets.  So fun.  Can be tricky but we all made it through.

The kids have their own rubber bands and I have a big stash of rubber bands to make bracelets for Bringing Heaven to Earth Inc. our not-for-profit corporation.

Each bracelet we make gets packaged up and sold for our Corporation.  Dollars are raised to assist families by funding equipment, therapy and recreational items they need.  Our family knows well the cost of simple items that children with special abilities need.  One outdoor scooter with two foot boards cost us $170 from B.C.  No funding for these.  Troys bike was $1000 -no funding.

Scott and Troy by bed time were figuring out their own designs and writing them down.

Two of the kids found their way out into the snow and came in with the rosiest cheeks but loved every minute out there.

While three of them wanted to be at school, having them home was fun.  However, it is great to have them at school so I can have a little mom time.  I ventured to the gym tonight but heck that is not mom time.

If only Dean did not have to go out in this and join us at home.

Stay safe for day two of the cold.
Wondering if the kids will be home again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in for...day 3? not sure:) Yes, its always more fun to be snow-bound when everyone can be home! Your 'play-time pretending' brought back fond memories of those good, old days!
