Thank you Lord for doing manicures.
My business is slow over the winter months. Clients have their toes covered up with socks and fluffy slippers and hands that are cracked and full of creams. With the winter we have had it is hard to think of getting a manicure or pedicure.
Last night I was excited to go see a client in Palmerston. She had received a gift certificate for Christmas. I have never met her before.
As we exchanged hellos she led me to her apartment. My favorite part of my job is I get to peacefully listen as clients tell me all about their precious lives. Story after Story. God reminds me to be silent and listen. Each story I fall in love with the people He has created and how imperfect they are just like me. He has taught me through my brothers and sisters to love one another as He loves us.
Laughter was shared lots last night and I reveal part of my life as well. I love how I did not even bring up faith and she shared her belief but does not always attend church. God gives me yet another opportunity to possibly pray at the end of the manicure. Not because I feel I have to but after learning my client had breast cancer two years ago and well I can't reveal physical visuals she needs to protect her privacy, my heart was feeling she just needed to feel loved and that God is standing right with her in all aspects of her life apart from constant check ups.
Lots of our life's stories were left out in the air with the fresh smell of nail polish as I began to clean up.
"Do you mind if I pray with you?" I asked shyly but boldly.
"Sure," she agreed.
As I sat beside her on the couch I laid my hand on her shoulder and smiling told her to relax and let me do the praying.
Can I just say I love God. I love my faith and because of Him I have the honor of praying for another sister. I could give a hug, give a card, just listen and say, "wow what a life," and even give her a discount later on just because. Those are all great ways to tell someone how special they are. For me though (hugs is my 2nd favorite), to get up and sit beside her, put my hand on her shoulder and tell her how much she is loved by God, to ask for healing, to bless her heart, to thank Him for one little moment of doing nails and pray with someone is an unbelievable feeling.
In the middle of our prayer there is a knock on the door and someone walks in and gives my client a piece of cake and ice cream. A tradition where she lives on Friday nights. I was so sad our prayer was interrupted but found it funny for some reason. My client was floored that someone would knock and walk in asthey normally do not do that.
My head was trying to figure out what God was saying with our prayer being interrupted. It took me a moment and during our laughter I looked at the plate and then her and said,
"God wants you to know that life is sweet!"
I believe He interrupted our prayer to remind her and myself that Life is Sweet!
Heather, that is lovely. What a unique ministry you have. Keep on keeping on as you serve Jesus. Sounds like you were a blessing to this gal! Life really is sweet!