Monday, March 3, 2014

Our life of faith

God be with those that read my blogs about you.  May they have an open mind and know how I love to share what you are doing in our lives and so how real You are.

Saturday morning I found myself in a meeting with other people from Selah fire (church) who lead small groups.  We gathered to share all that God was doing in our groups.  Encouragement fills the room as all who shared about their groups is full of amazing stories and beginnings.

Finishing up anyone was invited to sit in the centre to get prayer.  Usually at this time I always chuckle and wonder if I should just quick run and sit in the chair.  I love to have prayer.   To have my Selah family surround me and love on me with prayer is like no other feeling.  I did not get up and run this time.  Instead another lady took the chair and asked for prayer in a certain area of her life.

As our pastor began to pray and talking about "anointing" I immediately had a vision of Jesus standing at steps.  They seemed to be steps in her house.  Voices around the room began to filter up prayers and not hearing a word they were saying I zoned in on my vision.  I was asking myself why Jesus was not moving up those steps.  He seemed stuck there.  "Lord should I ask her if she has steps in her house?  Why are you stuck at the bottom of the steps?" I asked with my eyes closed.  I then thought to myself I will see if He moves as others move through their prayers.  Still not hearing a word anyone was saying my heart began to beat fast, I felt something so strong and yucky about Jesus being stuck at those steps.  My hands began to sweat.  Doubt began to set in.  I began to feel as though this lady needed to anoint those steps and the steps of the person in her life we were praying for.  The moment came and I asked, "Do you have steps in your house?"  Oh gosh she is going to say no.

"Yes I do. " she confirmed.

"I really feel like God wants you to anoint those steps and those steps of who we are praying for.  I feel like Jesus is stuck at those steps" I explained and began to cry as it began to feel more and more like a strong hold there.  This is a first time this has happened with so much emotion during a prayer. I still had little phrases of doubt pop in and out like, "Way to go Heather, really Jesus at the steps, everyone has steps in their house.  Your just emotional cause you are a loser." Satan says passing on one of his infamous lies.

"Heather," the lady says, "Four years ago I was praying in and over my house and when I looked over at my steps Satan was standing right in front of those steps" she confirmed.  "I thought I had kicked him out but He must be back." (paraphrased)

At this point I began to fill with excitement and emotion.  God had used me in that moment.  I wasn't done though.  Our pastor asked me to pray into that vision.  I do not remember my exact prayer but it definitely was to smash Satan while he stood at her steps.  We all stomped and emotion was not hiding.  What a fun moment.

If I had not been there at that moment, with the faith that I have, surrounded by sisters and brothers of faith our friend may not have got the vision I had.  If I trust and have faith He, God speaks and reveals.  It may all seem unreal to some but when moments actually happen to you like this you know with  your heart of hearts it is really true.  I had a vision and the lady we were praying for confirmed it. 

Luke 11:1
[ Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer ] One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.
God is good.
Oh and REAL

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